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Shaokhālåi Temporary Tattoos Qesmat 2

Shaokhālåi Temporary Tattoos Qesmat 2

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Shaokhālåi Temporary Tattoos Qesmat 2

ستاپر خوله خالونه درې
په غاښ مه يو نه كئ راپرې

زما هغه پر زړه داغونه
نرۍ نور وهي خالونه

Dokhtara, here is what we've been missing. Instead of messy surma-based, gadwad khaala, now you have sheenkhaal as temporary tattoos. 

Apply with water, these khaals will last for a couple of nights, but can also be removed whenever you want. 

Why do we call her Shaokhāläi ? Because she's not a permanent tattoo, she's for one shao ;)

